Tips & Tricks: Identifying Spider-Attracting Factors


October 22, 2015

There are several insect-attracting (and thus, spider-attracting) things you can count on at many accounts. They include improper lighting on buildings and in parking lots, negative building pressures and pest entry points. Dr. Stuart Mitchell

⦁ Mercury vapor (bluish light) is 112 times more attractive to insects than sodium vapor (yellowish light).
⦁ Projecting mercury vapor lights toward a building will attract insects away from the building.
⦁ Using sodium vapor lights over the parking areas will attract fewer insects.
⦁ Using an anemometer at all building entrances will determine positive or negative building pressures.


Dr. Stuart Mitchell, D.O., Ph.D., M.P.H., B.C.E., a board-certified physician and entomologist, is principal technical specialist for PestWest Environmental, as well as PMP’s Technical Editor. He can be reached at or 515-333-8923.

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