Dr. Reid Ipser, Director of Technical Services, Nisus Corp.
All major urban pest ant species are generalists when it comes to resources. They all need carbohydrates, protein and fat. These macronutrients take priority at different times of the year, however. Protein is needed most during the spring and summer months for colony growth, but carbohydrates are usually consistent throughout the year in their importance.
A rule to follow: Protein is shared mainly with larvae and pupae; carbohydrates are shared mainly with adults, and fat is shared evenly. Tweak your bait and baiting techniques to match the colony’s needs.
Remember that carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) usually invade for harborage, not food. That is why this group of ants does not take to baits well, but when they do, they tend to favor liquids. Choosing the proper bait at the proper time is key for successful baiting.
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