Photo: ©istock.com/Georgijevic
On p. 14 of the January issue, you’ll see great responses from Frank Meek, Mark “Shep” Sheperdigian and Dr. Stephen Vantassel. But four more of our contributors weighed in on the topic of “What technology do you rely on most to work smarter, not harder?”
Stuart Aust: “GPS is what we rely on the most. We utilize it not only for tracking, but also for payroll for our service specialists to start and finish their day. It helps with routing, extra service stops and new start-ups. When an emergency service comes in, we can dispatch the closest service specialist to that location through the assistance of GPS. There’s so much technology, but GPS definitely makes us more efficient.”
Dr. Austin Frishman: “My smartphone, because I can reach out and look up technical information, as well as contact experts in whatever field I need.”
Paul Hardy: “Facebook has a world of information that can be very useful as to what is going on in pest management in general. You do have to check the data and watch the personal marketing. Search engines also are helpful for colleges, manufacturers and industry associations.”
Pete Schopen: “We love using Google Maps to help us determine the square footage of homes. Going online and looking at the client’s home while still on the phone with the client eliminates the need for inspecting and quoting homes. It saves on gas, wear-and-tear on vehicles, and overtime.”
good article thank you for sharing