Web Exclusive: True mosquito risk


April 30, 2018

Photo: iStock/auimeesri mosquito

Photo: iStock/auimeesri

On p. 12 of the April issue, you’ll see great responses to our question of the month from Frank Meek, Eric Scherzinger and Pete Schopen. But here’s what other PMP Magazine contributors suggest as a good way to convey the seriousness of the diseases mosquitoes potentially carry without scaring customers:

Dr. Austin Frishman: Quote some facts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or a state university entomology department (give them credit for the quote). Then follow it up with two or three tips people can do to help protect themselves (such as using repellent). Finally, stress the services you can provide.

Paul Hardy: Mosquito reduction is a partnership; there are things clients can do and things we can do to reduce the threat of diseases mosquitoes may carry.

Kurt Scherzinger: The best way to convey the seriousness is not to concentrate on the diseases mosquitoes can transmit, but rather the safety and peace of mind pest management services (particularly mosquito management) offer, to keep their family healthy for years to come.

Do you have anything to add? Sound off below in the comments section!

About the Author

Headshot: Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec is the senior editor for PMP magazine. She can be reached at dsofranec@northcoastmedia.net or 216-706-3793.

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  1. hellopest says:

    Thanks for sharing your mosquito related risks information with us