Chris Alford, president of the Board of Directors and owner of St. Albans, W. Va.-based Alford Home Solutions, announced Sept. 18 the re-rebranding of the Pest Control Operators Association of West Virginia. It will now be called the West Virginia Pest Management Association (WVPMA). Alford and fellow board members unveiled a newly designed logo emblazoned in signature West Virginia blue and gold as they kicked off the general membership meeting at the Annual Fall Conference hosted at Flatwoods Conference Center in Sutton, W. Va.
With the support of the board, Alford announced plans not only to reinvigorate the association, but also to raise the bar on the pest control industry in the state of West Virginia. Alford cited an active membership as being integral to the success of this goal, and mentioned future opportunities for increased member engagement, including the formation of committees for education, scholarship and membership.
The WVPMA, originally founded in 1961 (as PCOA), has a rich history of service. Members receive discounts through WVPMA membership, and additional benefits through the joint partnership with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).
Additionally, Alford updated attendees on the day-to-day management of the association, noting that WVPMA will receive management services through a partnership with NPMA. As a joint state partner, members of WVPMA will be granted access to NPMA’s premier industry leaders, training, business development courses and many other resources.
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