As PMPs, we often work in dark areas like crawlspaces and attics, reaching deep around the corners of seldom-moved items. It’s all in the hunt for elusive spiders that “supposedly” bit our customer.
The good thing about spider bites, as the Mayo Clinic notes, is “most spider bites cause only minor injury and few spiders can be dangerous.” But this can do little to calm the fears of a customer — fears that can pose a challenge for PMPs. The bad thing about spider bites is that many minor bites look like other insect bites, such as fleas and mosquitoes. This makes diagnosis or offering nonchalant peace of mind to your customer somewhat difficult — and not recommended. Rather, here are some things you can do when dealing with spider calls:
⦁ Know which species in your area are considered dangerous.
⦁ Have a written response recommending medical care, such as “If you have severe pain, abdominal cramps and/or growing skin ulcers, seek medical attention immediately.”
⦁ Offer estimates to repair any damaged vents around the garage, sheds and foundation. Seal crack and crevices where possible to eliminate food and shelter for spiders and their prey.
⦁ Use a cobweb duster, then treat around exterior windows, in corners inside and out, at eaves and especially at the base of siding.
⦁ Treat deep into foliage that is adjacent to the home, so that your product penetrates deeply into these perfect hiding places.
⦁ When inspecting for spiders, avoid wearing loose clothing — and protect your hands, arms and face — to prevent bites.
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