Casey Prewitt, Sales Manager, Professional Pest Management, Neogen
There are some words that all pest management professionals (PMPs) want to stay away from. “Guarantee” is one when it comes to mosquito control.
As one of the most challenging pests, mosquitoes provide PMPs with unlimited opportunities for add-on services with existing customers, while reaching other customers that may not encounter other pest problems. The average American is spending more and more on a backyard oasis, so as an industry we should capitalize on this movement.
What does that mean for you, the PMP? Offer mosquito reduction, not control. Choosing your words wisely when presenting to customers can be the difference between a profitable add-on service and an upset account that could potentially be lost. You must set the expectation early as to what customers should expect. If they have good neighbors and minimal potential breeding sites, then your job will be easy. But as we continue to build subdivisions on less-than-ideal sites, you may encounter additional challenges, such as water control areas and other breeding areas.
Because we can only control a small portion of the mosquito environment, being upfront with customers about expectations is one of the best tools a PMP can have.
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