Tips in time for the busy season


June 15, 2019

Now that temperatures outside are warming up, customers eager to spend more time in their backyards are keeping pest management professionals (PMPs) busy.

From about April through October, PMPs have an important job to do: protect the public from the vector-borne diseases and viruses mosquitoes and ticks can transmit.

As calls come in from customers concerned about mosquitoes and ticks, consider bundling these seasonal pest management services. The treatments are similar, after all. Required equipment includes backpack blowers, and treatment areas involve the perimeter of yards and woods, as well as the foliage of trees and bushes.

Offering the services together can lead to a boost in business, I learned during a roundtable discussion at the Pest Management Professional (PMP) Growth Summit event held in March.

There, many attendees shared solid advice that proved to be good for business. Because we want readers like you to benefit from the tips overheard during PMP’s Growth Summit too, this month marks the debut of our Summit Sound Bites column on p. 96 —just in time for the busy season.


About the Author

Headshot: Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec is the senior editor for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 216-706-3793.

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