NPMA publishes 2018 annual report


July 8, 2019

Logo courtesy of NPMA

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has released its Making an Impact: 2018 Annual Report. The report reflects the actions the association has taken to support the membership and the impact the pest management industry has made on the communities it serves.

“Over the last year, NPMA has been collaborating with and listening to members in our community,” says NPMA CEO Dominique Stumpf, CAE, CMP, in a press release. “Through continued collaboration and open communication, we can make a significant impact and drive positive progress together.”

NPMA has remained focused on the strategic plan set in 2016 — supporting members in being professional, knowledgeable and profitable through education, industry leadership, public policy advocacy and growth of the market.

In 2018, NPMA welcomed more than 500 new member companies and provided members with new online learning opportunities. It developed new programs and committees, including two new Resource Center programs and the Recruitment & Retention committee.

From a public policy standpoint, NPMA maintained a strong push for three priorities within the 2018 Farm Bill, submitted three formal comments to federal agencies and raised $40,000 for its PAC.

In terms of public health, NPMA collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on spreading awareness of public health issues and hosted the largest PestWorld annual convention to date. QualityPro also developed standards for its fourth certification: QualityPro Public Health.

“We know the work we’re doing together is indeed having a profound impact,” continues Stumpf. “We are energized, ready and poised for growth, and we look forward to what the future holds.”


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