One benefit of group living among bed bugs might be a favorable microenvironment. Photo courtesy of, and copyrighted by, Gene White, pmimages@earthlink.net
We asked Pest Management Professional’s columnists and editorial advisory board members to name business tips for bed bug services. Here are some of the experts’ responses from our August 2022 print edition.
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PMP’s Editorial Advisory Board and Regular Contributors
Greg Baumann: “No matter how you perform service, show that it is about expertise. Teach your customer about bed bugs, and how and why you will perform the service.”

Judy Black
Judy Black, BCE: “Charge appropriately for your time. Bed bug jobs require a lot of detailed inspection, treatment, and in some cases, preparation work. They can’t be done ‘fast.’ If you don’t value your time, your customers won’t, either.”
Jerry Schappert, ACE: “I’m not as young as I used to be, and today’s bed configurations are a lot heavier and awkward to flip. Consider making bed bug work a two-person job, which of course may affect your pricing.”
Michael Broder: “For bed bug services in multi-family housing and hotels, think of it more as an ongoing service program rather than a one-time treatment. Educate customers on realistic, ongoing challenges.”
Pete Schopen: “Have a standard operating procedure in place and stick to it. In the end, it will result in fewer callbacks and will help clients eradicate the bed bugs more quickly. Coaching compassion also helps your employees understand the client’s level of anxiety.”

Dr. Faith Oi
Dr. Faith Oi: “Don’t overpromise. Consider the extent of the infestation. One size does not fit all.”
Foster Brusca: “Document, document and document, because if it is not documented, it did not happen. You really need to be documenting all bed bug inspections that are performed, especially when you are working at a multi-unit dwelling. You also need to provide a written bed bug service program and have the customer sign off on it, regardless of whether they approve or deny your program.”
Kurt Scherzinger, ACE: “Be thorough and make sure you check every last crack or crevice, as doing so will help prevent callbacks.”
Doug Foster: “Charge enough for your work. Many companies feel like they have to sell every job or keep their competitors from getting the work by pricing bed bug jobs cheap. It’s tough work; price accordingly.”
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