First quarter 2023 reader poll responses


April 10, 2023



Since we last compiled Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine poll results, we have received some excellent insights from readers in our monthly polls.

We also post the same question to our columnists and PMP Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) members each month in print, to get their responses. The answers that don’t fit on the “Question of the Month” page for the print edition are always included in the online version. For example, what follow are some of our most recent polls, with a link to the contributor/EAB responses and with a few of our favorite reader responses, too.

Here’s just a sampling of the best of the best from the first quarter of 2023:

January: What’s one lesson you’re taking from 2022 to 2023?

  • PMP Contributor/EAB responses
  • “Never take anything for granted. After dealing with COVID-19, we got hit with a Category 5 hurricane, which had a huge impact on our area, company, and team.”
  • “Proper preparation permits positive performance.”
  • “Route optimization is a great lesson. But that just touches the surface. Time utilization within the route optimization is where the real payoff comes.”

February: Which believable myths persist in the pest control industry?

  • PMP Contributor/EAB responses
  • “Here’s one BIG myth: Some investors the past decade or more, still feel that they can invest some money in a start-up pest control company with no experience. Then advertise and try to sell selective services to make a quick million bucks. They usually buckle in 12 months or less.”
  • “Rodent bait makes the mice go outside to die or search for water.”
  • “Put a bag of water over the entrance door and it will keep out flies.”
  • “Sprinkling cinnamon along window sills and door frames keeps ants from coming in.”
  • Certain rodenticides will have the effect of rodents dying with no odor.”
  • Plug-in sonic insect and rodent repellents work. Fruit-flavored gum kills moles. Peroxide is good for houseplant insect issues.”
  • “Hedge apples keep bugs away and ultrasonic devices keep bugs and mice away.”

March: What’s a good tip for handling customer cancelations?

  • PMP Contributor/EAB responses
  • “Contact the customer, ideally face-to-face to re-establish relationship/reconnect and ask why of the cancellation – what concerns, unmet expectations. etc. they are willing to share.”
  • “If possible, ask why then hopefully that mistake is not made again.”
  • “Sympathy and listening to the reason they are unhappy and rectifying the situation.”
  • “Find out the reason and try to work with them.”
  • “Contact them quickly to discuss possible resolution.”
  • “Ask what could be done to improve the service they received. Thank them for their business and ask if they would recommend your company to others. Place them on a ‘Call At A Later Date’ list for about 9 months later.”
  • “Remind them of recent activity levels and the cost-effectiveness of maintenance vs. expenses of dealing with an infestation.”


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