Viking Pest Control releases revised SLF egg removal card


November 29, 2023



Basking Ridge, N.J.-based Viking Pest Controlan Anticimex company, released a revised version of its popular spotted lanternfly (SLF) egg removal card.

The revised complementary card now includes keychain hangers that provide information about ticks found in Viking Pest Control’s service area, and holes that demonstrate the smallest spaces necessary for mice and rats to enter a property. This measuring tool allows homeowners to quickly and easily measure existing interior and exterior gaps that can allow rodents a clear entry point.

The cards were first created to help deal with the SLF, an invasive pest from Asia that causes damage to trees and plants. These cards can be used to remove eggs before they can hatch, preventing future generations of the pest. In addition to individual homeowners, office buildings and schools have also used the cards.

“The spotted lanternfly removal cards have been very popular,” Eric Gunner, pest management professional from Viking Pest Control, said in the news release. “Instead of producing more of the same this year, we decided to improve them to help people deal with other problem pests like ticks and rodents.”

The revised cards remain complementary and can be ordered from the Viking Pest Control website. Viking Pest Control also offers more substantial SLF control options that deal with the pests at all stages of life for towns, homes, and businesses. Recently, Viking Pest Control has teamed up with the town of Pleasantville, N.J., to fight the insects at a communal level. Real Simple magazine named Viking Pest Control as the best SLF control company in the country in 2023.

About Viking Pest Control

Viking Pest Control was founded in 1980 by Pest Management Professional Hall of Famer Ed Bradbury (Class of 2014), and was acquired by Anticimex in 2017. The company serves residents and business owners throughout New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Viking is a QualityPro certified member, and its other credentials include having been named by Forbes Advisor as one of the 10 Best Pest Control Companies for 2023; by the Spruce as Best Pest Control company for Sustainability; and by as the Best of Houzz 2023 for Customer Service.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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