Ecologic Entomology refreshes brand identity


March 18, 2024

IMAGE: ECOLOGIC ENTOMOLOGYEcologic Entomology, a Boston, Mass.-based pest control company serving commercial and residential clients throughout the Bay State, announces a refresh to its brand identity. It recently unveiled a new logo that symbolizes its mission of transforming the link between effective pest management and sustainability. 

“We formed Ecologic Entomology with the belief that integrity matters,” President Ken Spencer noted in a news release. “I’m proud to say that statement holds true today. We look forward to what the future holds for our company as innovators in the industry.” 

Since its inception in 2014, Ecologic notes, it has “prioritized thoughtful, responsible and sustainable solutions. While rodenticide use has become an increasingly pertinent conversation in recent years, this rebrand reinforces that Ecologic has long been at the forefront of these issues, now gaining wider acknowledgment, and aims to expose this commitment to a broader audience.”

“After 14 years, it’s time to clarify who we are as a company today. While our dedication to smart chemistry and innovation has remained constant, we’ve evolved so much over the years,” Principal and Founder Jonathan Boyar said in the news release. “We’re innovators, technology geeks, and the go-to for solving some of the toughest pest control problems in Massachusetts, and our new branding encapsulates that.”

Jennifer Hill, director of marketing and sales for the firm, shared excitement over the fresh visual identity, emphasizing in the news release, “Consumers today are incredibly discerning about the products and services they select. While many pest management firms are hurriedly adapting to the call for sustainability, Ecologic has steadfastly championed this ethos from the beginning. Our rebranding now showcases this dedication in a manner that resonates widely with audiences.”

The company will continue to introduce the new branding this season and encompass all platforms, including launching a new website scheduled for this fall.


About the Author

Heather Gooch

Heather Gooch is the editor-in-chief for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 330-321-9754.

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