Preventing stinging insects from nesting on or around your customer’s home is an important first step to management.
Educate customers about measures such as:
- Covering trash cans with tight lids.
- Covering drinks, food and pet food.
- Keeping shrubs and trees trimmed.
- Eliminating standing water.
- Caulking or sealing possible exterior entry points.
- Painting or sealing untreated wood.
- Storing firewood away from the structure.
Addressing these and other conditions that attract other insects also will remove a potential food source for stinging insects.
As for product choices, botanical insecticides feature strong repellency that will deter insects from attractive nesting and foraging sites. A wettable dust formula will help extend residual.
Focus applications on the exterior foundation, window and door frames, eaves, porches and decks during the stinging insect season.
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