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We asked Pest Management Professional’s columnists and editorial advisory board members share tips for ensuring safe driving practices. Here are some of the experts’ responses from our May 2024 print edition.
Please take a minute to answer our latest one-question poll on this topic: What’s your best tip for ensuring safe driving practices?
PMP’s Editorial Advisory Board and Regular Contributors
Judy Black, BCE: “All the safe driving technology you can buy means nothing if you don’t use the data you get from it to coach the drivers. Coaching drives the message home.”
Doug Foster: “We talk about this a lot with our technicians, telling them, ‘You are a professional driver, so always drive defensively.’ We also have tracking software that gives us vehicle locations, as well as idling, speed and hard braking alerts. Besides being one of your biggest expenses, it’s one of your biggest liabilities as an owner.”

Jerry Schappert
Jerry Schappert, ACE: “Have equipment in place, such as GPS trackers and dashcams, and review reports. Explain from the get-go that driving your vehicle and/or taking it home is a privilege and not a right.”
Kurt Scherzinger: “To ensure safe driving practices, put all employees through a safe driving course at the time of hire and then throughout their employment through different modules. Also, setting GPS monitoring to the behaviors you want to be alerted to helps stop bad habits before they become a big issue.”
Greg Baumann: “Develop a program including input from drivers to ensure proper scheduling and policy to make sure drivers do not respond to company texts or calls while driving. Hands-free isn’t safe.”

Dr. Faith Oi
Michael Broder: “I was reluctant to do it at first, but we installed cameras to simultaneously record drivers and the road, and to give alerts on aggressive driving. Even our staff admitted it helps keep them focused on safe driving.”
Dr. Faith Oi: “Be rested and alert to distracted drivers.”
Sheri Spencer Bachman, ACE: “Hold weekly training sessions on safe driving; it’s the most dangerous part of an employee’s job. Every quarter, have your team watch YouTube videos on texting while driving. Also, the use of GPS is a must. If set up properly, most will notify management when unacceptable driving incidents, such as hard braking and speeding, occur. Some will even grade drivers on their driving.”
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