Dr. Cisse Spragins
Rockwell Labs
Setting up a proactive perimeter pest treatment program in early spring can help prevent ant problems by eliminating colonies before they can get established. If you can get your customers to assist by sealing potential entry points, correcting any moisture problems in and around the house and eliminating possible food sources, that would be even better.
For ant prevention, a two-step perimeter pest treatment is ideal:
- Create a repellent barrier by spraying the perimeter along the exterior foundation or ground junction, expansion joints, eaves and overhangs, and window and door frames with a conventional or botanical pesticide.
- After spraying, apply a granular bait around the structure’s perimeter and outside the repellent barrier. The application does not have to be uniform because it is not a repellent barrier. Ants will find it as they are foraging for food.
A 10 percent boric acid granule is an excellent treatment option for long-lasting protection. To complement outdoor treatments and for extended protection, treat weep holes, any cracks around penetrations on the structure and exterior wall voids with an amorphous silica dust that will last up to
10 years when undisturbed.
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