Survey says that a merger may be beneficial for all involved


September 3, 2024



Every owner of a pest control company will need to come to a decision eventually about whether to sell the business or pass it along to a trusted family member or employee. Some have had a succession plan in place for years, whereas others seem to make a split-second decision the time has come to sell. Either way, the desire to exit the pest control industry and strike a deal seems to be more common lately.

Pest Management Professional’s (PMP’s) Merger Survey reveals the pest management industry has experienced a surge of sales over the past 12 years. When we asked, “Can merging with a larger pest management provider help an acquired business improve career opportunities and employee retention?” in 2012, 56 percent of the pest control company owners who answered believed the statement to be true. Fast forward to 2024, and 69 percent of respondents agree — a figure only one percentage point lower than last year’s answer.››

In addition, survey respondents indicate the sale of a pest control company will have a positive impact on brand recognition. In 2024, 91 percent of those asked agree that merging with a larger pest management company will help an acquired business improve its marketing, thanks to the power of a bigger brand and budget. Indeed, smaller pest control companies that join forces with well-known larger ones may gain new customers and attract experienced employees based on reputation, particularly when a name change occurs.

Pest control is a people business, and pest control company owners want to do right by their employees. Merging with a larger pest management company may improve career opportunities and employee retention, according to 72 percent of this year’s survey respondents.



Owners who sell want to take care of the people who helped make them a success, and it’s not uncommon for them to refuse to make a deal unless they are assured their employees will receive comparable job duties, pay and benefits. Workers who decide to stay on after a merger may get a chance to advance within the company, earn higher wages, receive better training, and enjoy a more positive company culture.

The sale of a pest control company may be inevitable; however, the merger may be beneficial for all involved.

About the Author

Headshot: Diane Sofranec

Diane Sofranec is the senior editor for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 216-706-3793.

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