June 3, 2024
ByHeather Gooch
Without pinene, there was about 70 percent mortality. With pinene, there was more than 95 percent mortality.
July 20, 2021
ByDr. Reid M. Ipser
Do not be fooled into thinking things like how a western drywood termite (Incisitermes minor) would never exist in New York. With the advent of technology and commerce, this does...
July 14, 2020
ByDale Dubberly
Sometimes swarming ants are confused with drywood termites, but the differences can be easily recognized by pest management professionals.
November 14, 2019
ByEllen Kriz
When technician Andy Deutsch spotted a drywood termite in the Five Points area of Athens, Ga., he knew he had encountered something different.
June 28, 2017
ByDr. Cisse Spragins
Drywood termites commonly enter structures through attic or foundation vents, or under eaves or shingles. Unlike subterranean termites, they don’t require a connection to damp soil, so they don’t construct...
March 24, 2016
ByPMP Staff
Altriset termiticide from Syngenta Professional Pest Management (PPM) is now labeled for control of drywood termites, in addition to Eastern subterranean and Formosan termites. “We understand PMPs can’t take a...
November 10, 2015
Drywood termites usually are found in the humid coastal and subtropical regions of the U.S. But several species are found in the desert southwest, and they appear to be spreading....
October 29, 2015
ByDr. Bennett Jordan
Your ability to correctly perform an inspection for drywood termites (Cryptotermes and Incisitermes spp.) can save you time and a lot of money. However, termites are cryptic and structures aren’t...
March 5, 2015
ByDr. Stuart Mitchell
Drywood termites (Kalotermitidae) have committed offenses through insidiously cryptic infestations. Attacks cause significant cellulose consumption, which causes structural and wood product damage. ⦁ Reproductives: They’re light yellow to dark brown...
February 20, 2015
JACKSONVILLE, FL—Two Jacksonville pest management companies donated their expertise to help eradicate destructive drywood termites from a pair of homes operated by the Prisoners of Christ ministry. Prisoners of Christ...