July 8, 2021
ByAnna Hansen
The most successful termite treatments begin with a successful inspection. It is so easy to go on autopilot or rush an inspection by only looking for obvious signs in obvious...
June 29, 2021
ByScarlett Nolen
Customers are often driven by fear when they call a pest management professional. Take the opportunity to prevent the pests, but also combat stress.
April 19, 2021
ByPMP Sponsor
Control Solutions Inc. (CSI) has introduced Taurus Dry, for use exclusively with the Precision Delivery System (PDS), for managing all species of termites.
March 1, 2021
Reaching pests like cockroaches and termites in deep crevices can prove difficult without an effective product and delivery method. And often, an infestation can’t be fully eliminated without making precise...
February 24, 2021
ByPMP Staff
Nine industry suppliers share information on the termite control products they developed for PMPs and their five-year forecasts.
November 1, 2020
When it comes to termites, pest management professionals (PMPs) know that the stakes are high. Damage caused by these wood-destroying insects can cause structural damage, potentially costing property owners a...
July 23, 2020
ByNoel McCarthy
Termites are a $1 billion problem in the United States, here are a few basic tips for tracking down subterranean termites.
April 30, 2020
ByDanielle Pesta
Douglas Products, a specialty products provider and an Altamont Capital Partners portfolio company, has hired Joshua Farley and Jeremy Jackson.
February 14, 2020
Eight industry suppliers share their termite and other wood-destroying organism (WDO) control products to assist pest management professionals on the job.
February 4, 2020
ByHeather Gooch
Dr. Faith Oi, a University of Florida associate extension scientist, shares litigation and claims in termites and other wood-destroying organism work.