Marketing Matters: Pinterest, Social Media ROI and Referrals


June 14, 2015

Photo: ©

Learn why Pinterest is another social media platform you should consider. Pinterest Photo: ©

Q. Other than Facebook, what other social media platforms should we consider?

A. People, particularly women, tend to talk about Pinterest. It isn’t nearly as big as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but it’s prominent and on the rise. You might have already noticed the “Pin It” share button on articles or seen the Pinterest icon on YouTube videos.

Q. How do you measure the return on investment (ROI) for social media?

A. Use tools like Conversion Measurement on Facebook ( Your website might also have analytics that measure social media ROI. Some online platforms, such as LinkedIn, have their own analytics. The fundamental measures are the same as in other areas of online marketing: clicks, likes, shares, purchases, change in attitude, etc.

Q. When is the best time to ask for a referral?

A. For the salesperson: After the service agreement is signed, but before you leave the account. For the technician: Once the service has been completed and the customer is thoroughly satisfied. When your prospect or customer acknowledges value has been received, it’s time to engage in the referral process — not just to help you, but to see whom you can help together. The best referral seeking is always a “we” process, not a “me” process.

Q. Is there ever a bad time to ask for a referral?

A. The likelihood of receiving quality referrals diminishes when (1) the customer doesnt acknowledge the value of the service; (2) immediately following a price increase; or (3) when pest pressures are low, such as in cold weather.

You can reach Harvey Goldglantz, president of Pest Control Marketing Co. and author of Marketing Matters, at His book, Marketing Matters, is available from the PMP bookstore.


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